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Upcoming Event

2023 Bill's Walk for Brain Cancer

Sunday 12 November Pillars of Wisdom, The Tan Track

Our 7th Bill's Walk for Brain Cancer was held on Sunday 12th November 2023. We are pleased to announce that this year's walk campaign has raised over $10,000 towards our cause. Thank you to all those who attended and donated. Planning is now underway for our 2024 walk. Stay tuned. #BillsWalk

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Kick In Donate To Charity App

We are working on the development of a smart phone app to connect donors with charities.

We are seeking the support of a major sponsor to solve a simple but important problem. To connect passionate and generous donors with legitimate and effective charities, like ours, in a way that facilitates immediate action taking.

Our Team

The Foundation's Vision

Our vision is to find a cure for brain cancer.
By raising funds to support brain cancer patients and research.

Help us to find a brain cancer cure